Conversational AI Solution in London,UK | Chat Bot Development Company in London

The power of Data via

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Vision Analytics

Text Analytics

Conversational AI

Conversational AI

Our chatbots can be trained using a teachable User Interface. Here a domain expert like an HR manager can train the bot with our tools rather than a Machine Learning engineer. We have built tools and platforms that enable conversational AI-based solutions to be accessible to any team.

Automated Intent Generation

We train a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model to automatically generate intents (Questions) from a body of text and to answer them. The body of text can be an HR manual, website content, archived chat history, and other documents. For example, a Human Resources (HR) Bot can learn to identify possible questions and answer them from a company’s HR policies manual. HR questions can be anything related to leaving policies, insurance, salary, tax, other benefits, etc. It would be extremely time-consuming to manually extract questions and answers to train a bot. An NLP model that can automatically build and train on 100s or more intents from a body of the text is much more efficient than manual construction.

HR & Help-Desk bots

Our Conversational AI platform and the tool can be used to build bots like HR bots, Help-Desk bots, or Customer Service bots that can be configured for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Automatically generate intents
  • Train and validate against reams of data
  • Publish in a wide array of messenger frameworks
  • Seamlessly handle user authentication.

These bots offer high classification accuracy, domain-specific knowledge, and human-like cognition to automate business processes like HR and Help-Desk.

A classic example would be the automation of a response for repetitive questions around the employee leave policy, their compensation package, support, and infra issues. etc. An HR Bot integrated as part of a mobile or web platform would help employees to get clarifications from a self-service model that ideally fits the Millennial generation.

Enterprise Communication Framework

An IT Operations Manager is frustrated that their self-service tool for basic IT support like password reset, wifi-access issues, and other support tickets are being under-utilised. Employees aren’t reading the company wiki and are used to emailing questions to their respective admins. High-priority tasks are getting delayed and missed due to this flooding of their inbox from such tickets. He cannot justify the cost of hiring more admins to his manager. He is looking for a simple, flexible solution that can be trained to answer such tickets. His solution needs to allow his team to re-train the system in an iterative manner to answer new questions from their call log and other metrics. Similar to this, finance, sales marketing teams may have their own pain points and look forward to automation on a self-servicing model.

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